Anyone can register to use for FREE!

WARNING: There is a lot of content that you will need to be a Paying PREMIUM member to view though.
If you would like to get access to the PAID Member content you must either Purchase a copy of Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo, or you can purchase a Website ONLY membership. This will get you access to the PREMIUM content on the website.

FREE Members will be able to interact on some of the forums, but there is also a PAID PREMIUM Member Forum as well for those who have a serial number.

I have a serial number that came with my book, where do I go to Register my book to get PREMIUM access? Click HERE.

(Free Access Registration has been disabled - due to spam bots crushing the forums. This is why we can't have anything nice. If you want to get in on the forums and videos just buy the book already. If you can't afford the book - send support an eMail, and we will ask for the blood of your first born child or something of like value.)

©2024 Tattoo Books Online LLC a tattoo education company by CRcharles Jordan