Sumi™ inks are available as well to tattoo artists. These inks will have a very smooth grey appearance in the skin and are mixed in similar ways mentioned in the grey wash technique. There are some manufactures that are selling Sumi™ inks for tattoo purposes, but they can also be purchased at art supply in solid bar form. The bars must be ground and mixed with an agent prior to tattooing. Any time there is a material that is not intended for tattooing and the source is not designed for the use in the skin, it is important to autoclave the liquid.
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Eikon Clip Cord Covers
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A new Review is Posted on "Eikon device has their own clip cord sleeves that are available...
Coils and magnetics as related to tattoo machines
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Tattoo machines work off of an electromagnetic coil. It is usually agreed upon by artists that the coil has...
What is Coloring?
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A-Bar styles / design / effeciency / purpose
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Armature bars can come in a multitude of shapes and sizes as well. Some will have notches or holes...
Stroke Control
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A good rule of thumb to control the stroke of your machine is to look at the front spring....
2014 Book Expo New York
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Tattoo Books Online was featured at the Book Expo in NY this year. Here is a copy of the...
Contact Point suggestions…
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Like everything else on the tattoo machine, experiment and play around to find out what works best for your...
90 degrees or 45 degrees? US or Europe?
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Typically the contact point will be at a 90 degree angle in relation to the front spring. This will...
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