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    • #14154

      I did some shading on a guy. We ended up putting some subtle white highlights in too that i hope will pop a bit when it’s all healed. It looks a little darker than it is from the red of being tattooed.

      Second one is a cancer/scorpio tattoo. I don’t like the crabs legs on the right side, but that is what his picture looked like. Inside of the crab is a south sea green and will heal up a bit lighter than it is showing.

      I’ll put them in one message rather than several


    • #18215


    • #18216


      He really puffed up. He said he’s done that with all of his tattoos in the past, too. Again, not thrilled with the right legs but he wanted it like that.

    • #18217
      John Friday

      I like your shading. Came out clean. It bugs me too when people pick art that I’m just not into, or make changes that just seem like it doesn’t go. I always try and find a happy medium between both. Although, some people just can’t be swayed. Nice art though man. Looks good.

    • #18218

      Heres the deal on the art…if it dont look right its our job as Artist’s to let the client know that. If they like it and they insist then its still up to you whether or not you do it. Im not saying I wont do something if i dont like the particular picture. but if say they want someting and i think its entirely to small and they insist..I may have them go find someone else to do the work just because i know its gonna look like crap in a few short years.
      Im putting basically my NAME on a person, if it looks like shit then I do to, therefore, I wont do it if I dont like the way it looks. PERIOD.
      Ive never had anyone ask yet, but a few other things that I wont do…anything satanic (666), gang related stuff, anything overly offensive, and anything racial. I wont be doing any Nazi symbols anytime in the near future. It may loose me customers, but again, if my name is on the art then I have to live with it as well and there are just some things that i wont comprimise on.

    • #18219

      I guess the flip side to that is this picture was drawn by someone and carries a lot of sentimental meaning. To change it would be to change the original thought and intent behind the design. I’d rather he looked at it and remembered the reason he got it rather than look at it and remember the picture he drew compared to the one he got. I’m proud to attach my name to his happy memory even if it isn’t going to win any art contests.


    • #18220

      Good work Mark,some clients want what they want…I will give them my 2 cents…but it is the client wearing it for the rest of their life, It’s my job to give them what they want. I have done plenty of tattoos I don’t like, or know I could of improved on the design…but it is what it is, and if the client is happy, I’m happy to have made them that way….Really good shading on the cross Bro!

    • #18221

      Shading on the cross looks great!

      As for tattoos other ppl have drawn… I have some tats that my kids (10 &11yrs old) drew for me, and I wanted them to be exactly the way they drew them. Ok they were only a small cherry blossom each but it will be nice to have their art on me rather than in a box in the attic in 10 yrs time :)
      Some ppl really want their own designs on them – for whatever reason – I think you should maybe find out the reason before refusing to do it.

    • #18222

      OK………….maybe that did come out as planned. There are things that I wont do, period. If a customer brings in a design as in the drawing by their 10yr and says i want this exact design….no problem, im all over it. Its really kind of a fine line to walk.

    • #18223

      I knew what you were saying and I agree on the hate stuff. I firmly believe in your right to have whatever you want tattooed on your body…I also firmly believe in my right to NOT be the guy who puts the klansman on your forearm. :) (unless your six year old drew it) LOL.

      The religious stuff…doesn’t bug me. I’m an atheist and honestly I don’t mind whether you are satanic or christian or muslim or buddhist…that’s your deal and if it’s real to you then that’s cool with me. I know a lot of people of faith, all faiths (even wiccan and satanist), that are really good people and lots of people of faith who are just the opposite. I really think I’d like to take the dogs playing poker deal and swap dogs with everyone’s god and give them all 4 aces. To me, that would be a good tattoo.

      I don’t even begin to decide what isn’t or is offensive…different strokes and all that stuff. :)

    • #18224

      LMAO ……..you absolutely need to figure that one out, that would be a riot to see!!!!!!!! What a cool idea! :lol:

    • #18225

      Very cool upgrade on the initial tattoo. Shading brought it up visually for sure!

    • #18226

      Lol I want a 666 tattoo. Just to be funny. I like shock factor. If three number can piss someone off, right on!

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