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    • #13798

      Hey, I’m a french female newbee from Montreal (Canada) I could really use some light shed on a few things please…I’m at the very beginning, simply trying to get all my basic equipment (haven’t found an apprenticeship yet). I’m having a hard time finding everything in my hometown of Montreal (Canada). When getting disposable tubes and grips, do they come in magnum tips also or can I get the flat tip and fit a magnum in? Also, I get from the book (Basic fundamentals…) that one can use a round group of needle with a diamond tip, or am I mistaken? Thanks for answering!

    • #16755

      Mag needles will fit inside flat tubes
      round needle group will fit in diamond tubes – use these for lining typically – less play when they are in – versus a round tube


      If you have purchased a copy of Basic Fundamentals please – let me know how you like it and if you have questions!
      [email protected]

      Also, if you have time post a feedback post on Amazon.com about the book!
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