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    • #14135

      Hi, my name is Lysa. I’m 44 and I’ve been struggling to get into the tattoo industry for over a decade. I have worked in three shops now. One was owned by a great tattooist named Keith Kok who I adore to this day (he’s moved since to another state), but was very far for me. After 4 months of apprenticeship where I soaked up all I could by watching, making and bagging needles and drawing, I finally had to toss in the towel because I had no vehicle. The other was with a “lady” who spent more times downstairs smoking and doing lines than helping me or running her business. I paid her over $7000 for NOTHING. She also sucked as an artist. But I was there for nearly 2 years and the only thing I learned was that she was useless. She taught me nothing and worse, wouldn’t even let me do anything there but pierce. Again, I watched and learned what I could, but it was like watching a blurry video. Not much help and she wasn’t that great to begin with. The last shop I was hired as an artist by her friends who started their own set up a few years later. The “artist” that was there was NOT an artist. He wasn’t a tattoo artist either, imho. And he knew less than I did!!

      So I’ve given up working in shops or trying for another apprenticeship. I get told I’m too old, too ugly, too whatever at shops around town. Or they’ll ask for $$$$$ that I don’t have to spare. I’m an artist and have been for 30 years. I have enough equipment, autoclave, etc to open my OWN shop. But I need my skill level to be alot better than what it is now. There’s so many questions I have about technique, machine technology, etc. Things I asked repeatedly about and had to try and learn online or through books or just trying to figure it out on my own. I want to produce work as good as Tom Renshaw or Nikko Hurtado. So I’m here hoping for the best. Next payday from my “slave” job, I’ll be ordering the book offered on this site and praying for the nonjudgemental people and acceptance. Who here has it and what’s the reviews?

      Anyway, hope to learn more here!


    • #18146

      Welcome, Lysa. This is a pretty helpful site when people show up. Good luck.


    • #18147

      @TexasPT wrote:

      Welcome, Lysa. This is a pretty helpful site when people show up. Good luck.


      I hope so, Mark. Thanks for the welcome. I’m hopeful I can get at least some information and some help here.


    • #18148

      Welcome….youll do just fine.

    • #18149

      Well, well….seems like you’ve been on a long journey thus far.

      Well I say that if you want to learn about technique and hardware knowledge…etc. you’ve come to a good place to start. Now let me suggest that you dont limit yourself to just one book…or one website forum…or just one teacher if you find another.

      Always pull info from all things around you. So feel free to browse around and post questions you have. Its all for the taking! Also if you dont have Jordan’s book TMTT you should consider it. Very good and thorough on technique and machine hardware help. 8-)

    • #18150

      @xDreamerx wrote:

      Well, well….seems like you’ve been on a long journey thus far.

      Well I say that if you want to learn about technique and hardware knowledge…etc. you’ve come to a good place to start. Now let me suggest that you dont limit yourself to just one book…or one website forum…or just one teacher if you find another.

      Always pull info from all things around you. So feel free to browse around and post questions you have. Its all for the taking! Also if you dont have Jordan’s book TMTT you should consider it. Very good and thorough on technique and machine hardware help. 8-)

      I’m planning on doing just that. As soon as I can afford it, that is. Things are pretty tight here right now, financially speaking.
      I did just get offered a spot with these guys http://www.aberrationink.com/ and http://www.wix.com/gunslingerstat2/gun-slingers-tattoo-parlor. Both are too far for our old van and not to sound mean or ungrateful, but the last one…their art looks like something my 3 year old stepdaughter could do. Still, I’m thinking of going for the first offer. Not the caliber of art I want to be performing, but still…I can learn something, I’m sure.

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