Darkwingduck99 replied to the topic Raidiant ink in the forum Pigment v. Ink 10 years, 11 months ago
Cool thank you for the input, I’m going to get me a set now
Darkwingduck99 replied to the topic Hello all :D in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 11 years ago
Hey there Inna how’s it going. I check out the drawings and they are good work. Quick question is hard to blend in colors? And what material do you use while doing drawings in color? I’m trying to get into color drawing myself, I only use graphite pencils in mine.
I myself am new to this forum and hopefully the doors open wider in our journey…[Read more]
Darkwingduck99 replied to the topic Hello everybody :) in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 11 years ago
Much appreciated and that’s my passion the art but I know I have to push it to the limit. Quick question do you draw with color pencils or colors in general? I only been doing drawings in graphite.
Once again thank you for the advice
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