Never underestimate the power of the white pigment.
White can be an awesome highlighting tool, and even
better blending tool in the ink cap to change another pigment’s
composition all together. Experiment with mixing small amounts
of white pigment with your other colors in the ink caps to get
different variations. Remember to be liberal with your white, as
you can quickly kill a powerful piece by over extending your use
of white pigments. White is a very unforgiving pigment too, you
can get a lot of spotty looking fills with white, if you do not use it
properly. In addition, some skin-tones will not take white as well
as others. Always use a plastic tube and tip when you use white
in order to keep it pure, as some bits of pigment may remain
in a clean tube and can quickly cause your white to discolor or
become dingy.
White Pigments
feel free to drop us a line [email protected]
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