Apprentice Tattoo Supply
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Contact point fashion
, Uncategorized, contact, custom, design, point, 0
Some artists will purchase contact points with a design on the top. You may have seen this design as...
How do I get the Best Frame?
, Uncategorized, frame, machine, tuning, 0
Like everything else in the world of tattoo, there is no such thing as a “best frame”. You will...
Video Tutorial: Script Tattoo Video Tutorial
, Tattoo Tutorials Video, Uncategorized, black and gray, clean lines, coil tattoo, featured, full tattoo, grey wash, lettering, script, tutorial, 6
New script tattoo video tutorial completed. Four hours start to finish video from three different cameras. PAID MEMBERS ONLY...
Let it dry
, Uncategorized, dry, stencil paper, tattoo stencil, tips, 0
Allow the purple ink to dry. Some artists will immediately begin the tattoo if the placement is acceptable, while...
Clients complain about tattoo pain – do they hurt?
, Uncategorized, new tattoo client, tattoo help, tattoo pain, 0
Sponsored By: Welcome Tattoo DVD I have heard clients say that lining hurts more than shading, but I...
Thick spring / Thin spring
, Uncategorized, front spring, spring, tuning, 0
Springs are available in different gauges and different metals. It is not necessary to match the same gauge metal...
Power supply selection..
, Uncategorized, gear, power, purchase, supply, 2
Tattoo power supplies, like everything else in tattoo, are a matter of personal preference. The artist will have to...
Tattoo Machine Troubleshooting
, Uncategorized, tattoo gaps, tattoo machine, tattoo machine troubleshooting, tattoo power cord broken, tuning tattoo machine, 2
If you’re having problems with your clip cord and you don’t know what it is, it just doesn't seem...
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