It is commonly accepted that the less voltage you need to use to
obtain a solid running machine, the better. This is because you
are stressing the electromagnets less, and your machine will not
heat up as quickly. Higher grade tattoo machines will not heat
up as fast as lower grade machines. It is recommended that you
purchase a power supply that is specifically design for tattoo
Less is more when it comes to tattoo power..
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90 degrees or 45 degrees? US or Europe?
, Uncategorized, contact, machine, point, spring, tuning, 0
Typically the contact point will be at a 90 degree angle in relation to the front spring. This will...
Digital Tattoo Machine Power Supply
, Uncategorized, power, power supply, tuning, voltage, 0
Presently, a host of technology is available at reasonable prices that a few years ago just simply didn’t exist....
Stroke Control
, Uncategorized, machine, needle, stroke, tuning, 0
A good rule of thumb to control the stroke of your machine is to look at the front spring....
The Outline
, Uncategorized, outline, tattoo process, 0
Traditional tattoo methods include an outline. The outline is typically done with outlining inks, which have less alcohol in...
Why don’t tattoo supply companies give more info about coils?
, Uncategorized, coils, machine, magnet, supply, tuning, 0
Do not be afraid to ask for specific caps when you order prewired coils. Or you can order coils...
How is HCV transmitted?
, Uncategorized, blood, diseases, HCV, prevention, safety, 0
HCV is transmitted primarily through large or repeated percutaneous (i.e., passage through the skin) exposures to infectious blood, such...
Stencils do not have to just be a bunch of lines
, Uncategorized, application, lines, shading, stencil, 4
Some artists will not only have their line work on the stencil, but light shading might be included as...
Author’s Opinion on Disposibles
, Uncategorized, disposible, tattoo technique, tip, tubes, 0
This is just an opinion, and a good foundation for a beginner to practice. You will see that a...
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